

A BasicNinja moves around in a tiled map using velocity, basic jumping and collisions are handled, and it can wall slide, wall jump, and double jump. A BasicNinja is a MapMover/MapTraveler but it does not extend either, rather is directly built from just an extension of TravelerSkeleton


new BasicNinja(x, y, width, height, map, caopt, dontCloneMapopt, dtopt, tileWopt, tileHopt, mapRowsopt, mapColumnsopt, useBlitMathSpecificArraysopt)

Constructs a new BasicNinja

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x Number

The x position of the BasicNinja

y Number

The y position of the BasicNinja

width Number

The width of the BasicNinja

height Number

The height of the BasicNinja

map Array

2D Array that the BasicNinja is to collide with, 0 or [0,0] as a value in the 2D array denotes a walkable spot. The 2d Array should have all integer values, or all values of [y,x] style inner arrays.

ca CanvasAnimation <optional>

CanvasAnimation for the BasicNinja

dontCloneMap Boolean <optional>

Default is false

dt Number <optional>

Default is tabageos.TimeKeeper._sae

tileW Number <optional>

The width of each tile, default is the same as width.

tileH Number <optional>

The height of each tile, default is the same as height.

mapRows Number <optional>

The amount of rows in map

mapColumns Number <optional>

The amount of columns in map

useBlitMathSpecificArrays Boolean <optional>

This ultimately is set based on the actual value types in map



If 1 then the BasicNinja is colliding top



A reference to the CanvasAnimation for this class.


Default is .285


If 1 then the BasicNinja is colliding bottom


When _jumps is 0 gravity is not applied, by default _jumps is 1 for BasicNinja.


Defines the height of jump


The 2D Array that the BasicNinja is to collide with


Inherited from MapMover, if 1 then the BasicNinja is colliding left


if 1 then the BasicNinja is colliding right


The tile height of each tile the values in _map represent, default is 16.


The tile width of each tile the values in _map represent, default is 16.


If 1 then the BasicNinja is not colliding bottom


Defines the speed of movement

_wallObject :Rectangle

An optional Rectangle defining a wall the BasicNinja should not pass. Set boundingMethod to one of the tabageos.BoundMethods and define this rectangle to have the BasicNinja collide with the Rectangle. By default the boundingMethod is tabageos.BoundMethods.bounceOff, so if you just define a _wallObject Rectangle it would bounce off that defined space. By default a _wallObject is not defined.



By default this is set to tabageos.BoundMethods.bounceOff. See _wallObject.



state of 4



Property for health to be used manually.


state of 1


state of 3


state of 2


_addedToChangeDirectionAnimation(left, right, up, down, keepAniIndex, noIdle)

This method becomes part of this class' CanvasAnimation's changeDirectionAnimation method. This Class is using this functionality to add onwall animation and flip animation. It's ready for 'onwallleft' 'onwallright' and 'flipleft' and 'flipright'.

Simply define a 'onwallleft' and 'onwallright' animation for the CanvasAnimation passed to this class, and this class automatically changes to those when the BasicNinja is on a wall. If you don't define those then the left and right animations would be used when on a wall. Same for flip.

Name Type Description
keepAniIndex Boolean
noIdle Boolean


_autoAnimate must be set to 1.

the functionality of this method happens in the update method if _autoAnimate is true, but you can also call this method if needed, for example if you need to animate outside of the move call.

updates the position of the _canvasAnimation and calls its changeDirectionAnimation function then animate and blit. if there is no _canvasAnimation then _directCanvasObject.context.fillRect is used with this x y width height.

isGroundedOnMap(last, curr, veloc, map, tw, th) → {Number}

Used by the update method to determine bottom collision

Name Type Description
last MoverPoint


curr MoverPoint


veloc MoverPoint


map Array


tw Number

tile width, _tw

th Number

tile height, _th


The y point of collision


isHeadHitOnMap(last, curr, veloc, map, tw, th) → {Number}

Used by the update method to determine top collision

Name Type Description
last MoverPoint


curr MoverPoint


veloc MoverPoint


map Array


tw Number

tile width, _tw

th Number

tile height, _th


The y point of collision


isLeftPushingOnMap(last, curr, veloc, map, tw, th) → {Number}

Used by the update method to determine left collision

Name Type Description
last MoverPoint


curr MoverPoint


veloc MoverPoint


map Array


tw Number

tile width, _tw

th Number

tile height, _th


The x point of collision


isRightPushingOnMap(last, curr, veloc, map, tw, th) → {Number}

Used by the update method to determine right collision

Name Type Description
last MoverPoint


curr MoverPoint


veloc MoverPoint


map Array


tw Number

tile width, _tw

th Number

tile height, _th


The x point of collision


move(left, right, up, down, dontApplyForceopt)

Moves the BasicNinja by _walkSpeed, also handling collisions with _map and double jumps, wall slides and wall jumps.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
left Boolean

To move left

right Boolean

To move right

up Boolean

To move up

down Boolean

To move down

dontApplyForce Boolean <optional>

Make it behave as a MapMover, default is false

update(dontApplyToXYopt, dontApplyForceopt, dontCollideopt)

Updates forceApplier and _veloc and handles collisions. This method is called inside of the move method. To manually move the Class you could update _veloc yourself then call this method. The move method changes _veloc and calls this method. This is the method that is handling collision with the _map and with _wallObject.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
dontApplyToXY Boolean <optional>

If true the x and y are not updated, just _pos.

dontApplyForce Boolean <optional>

If true forceApplier is not used, and it opperates as a MapMover without traveling ability (ease, wander, etc...)

dontCollide Boolean <optional>

If true it will not collide with the map